------------------------------------------------------ MG Industrieelektronik GmbH Nobelstraße 7 76275 Ettlingen ------------------------------------------------------ WBMonitor 3 - Releasenotes ------------------------------------------------------ Release 3.11.0 - 23.01.2018: - Bugfix: Telegramme mit Parity- oder Frameingfehler wurden nur bis zum fehlerhaften Zeichen angezeigt. Der Rest des Telegramms wurde verworfen. Release 3.10.0 - 11.10.2016: - Bugfix: Direkteingabe hat "<>"-Notation (z.B. "" nicht korrekt unterstützt - Erweiterung: Direkteingabe usw. unterstützen nun Copy 'n Paste - Erweiterung: Detaileingabe von DS021 nun auch ohne Taktzeit möglich - Erweiterung: Detaileingabe von DS021 nun umschaltbar, ob Takte durch dopplten Zeilenumbruch () oder einfachen getrennt werden. Release 3.9.0 - 24.06.2016: - Bugfix: Wenn ein Protokoll in eine Aufrufliste kon- vertiert werden soll und das Protokoll Leer- zeilen enthielt, wird es nicht konvertiert. Das kommt nur vor, wenn Protokolle außerhalb des WBMonitor Programms bearbeitet worden sind. Release 3.8.4 - 12.05.2015: - Bugfix: Wenn ein Protokoll Leerzeilen enthielt, wird es nicht importiert. Das kommt nur vor, wenn Protokolle außerhalb des WBMonitor Programms bearbeitet worden sind. Release 3.8.3 - 24.04.2015: - Bugfix: Beim Kopieren und Einfügen mehrerer Zeilen einer Antwortliste wurden diese in umgekehrter Reihen- folge eingefügt Release 3.8.2 - 25.02.2015: - Bugfix: Entwicklermeldung beim Beenden des Programms abgeschaltet. Release 3.8.1 - 09.12.2014: - Bugfix: Bei der Adressumsetzung wurden doppelte Telegramm- abschlüsse (CR) gesendet, wenn das Originaltelegramm bereits mit dem CR abgespeichert wurde. Release 3.8.0 - 21.05.2014: - Bugfix: Fehler im USB-Treiber abgefangen, der dazu führte, dass das Programm beim Abspielen von aufgezeichneten Protokollen nach ca. 65000 gesendeten Telegrammen abstürzt. Release 3.7.14 - 10.03.2014: - Bugfix: When running a recorded protocol as master simulation it could happen, if the sequence of telegrams was to fast, that in the monitor window not all sent telegrams were shown. Release 3.7.13 - 13.06.2013: - Improvment: Manual input for each hex-character between 0x00 and 0x7F supported (Syntax: <$xx>) Release 3.7.12 - 23.08.2012: - Improvment: Automatic data update for inofficial dataset 006a added (Simular to 005 and 006) Release 3.7.11 - 16.08.2012: - Bugfix: If a DS021 has more than two pulses, each (multiple of three). pulse got lost in the detail analysis window Release 3.7.10 - 07.05.2012: - Bugfix: Error with reaction times in response list fixed. If the reaction time was above 21 ms, the IWT-2000 did not react correctly. - Bugfix: Counter overflow in monitor window fixed. If the counter rises above 65535, it started at 1 again. Release 3.7.7 - 21.03.2012 - Bugfix: A bug in the USB implementation could lead to an abnormal program termination after some time. Release 3.7.6 - 01.03.2012 - Improvment: You may now use wildcard-characters (?, *) to mark telegrams in the protocol window. Use /? and /* if "?" and "*" should not be interpreted as a wildcard, but as normal character. Release 3.7.5 - 20.12.2012 - Bugfix: If there is no response-time given in a response list, it will be inserted automatically - Improvment: It ist no possible to create a 021-record without rythm information Release 3.7.4 - 18.10.2011 - Bugfix: It was not possible to type a dash for a DS021 (or any other) record. Release 3.7.3 - 31.08.2011 - Improvment: Direct input is now available, even if no monitor window is open. The monitor window opens automatically. - Bugfix: Now it is possible to use different IWT-2000 devices, connected to one PC with multiple instances of WBMonitor Release 3.7.0 - 27.01.2011 - Improvment: Now the WBMonitor-Software is able to correctly analyse both IBIS-vehiclebus and IBIS-trainbus telegrams Release 3.6.15 - 26.01.2011 - Bugfix: If the option "Use the actual date and time for U- and D-records when simulating" was not set, U- and D-records were not sent at all, when occuring in a request list. Release 3.6.14 - 20.01.2011 - Bugfix: When making a firmware update on an IWT-2000 USB, some errormessages and at least a sementation fault where created after the reboot of the ITW. Release 3.6.13 - 11.01.2011 - Improvment: Support for extention key added Release 3.6.12 - 03.09.2010 - Improvment: Load-time of huge protocols improved Release 3.6.11 - 23.08.2010 - Bugfix: Wrong text in the menu "Ansicht/View" for the action "Define filter" fixed Release 3.6.10 - 11.08.2010 - Bugfix: When playing a report (master simulation), which was recorded with a WBMonitor-Version below 3.6 spaces (ASCII 0x20) were sent as dots (ASCII 0x2E) Release 3.6.9 - 04.07.2010 - Improvement: It is now possible to activate or de- activate multiple rows in a response- or calling-lists with one click. Release 3.6.8 - 28.06.2010 - Bugfix: When saving a response list, the save dialog did not suggest the actual filename of the response list, but the filename of the last saved response list. If the user edits more than one response list in a session, this may lead to an unintended overwriting of the action response list Release 3.6.7 - 22.06.2010 - Bugfix: Error, when loading an interrupted protocol fixed Release 3.6.6 - 31.05.2010 - Bugfix: When appending a row in the dataset-window, and the last cell of the last row was selected and the first cell of the last row was out of the window's border, a loop-back occured. Release 3.6.5 - 21.05.2010 - Bugfix: When saving and reloading a protocol, which contains a 0x00-character, the 0x00-character was wrongly marked as error Release 3.6.4 - 12.05.2010 - Improvement: When saving a protocol the WBMonitor- program automatically generates a filename suggestion Release 3.6.3 - 06.05.2010 - Bugfix: If WBMonitor runs under a os-version in which the time format is not "hh:mm:ss" (e.g. in the Switzerland, were it is "hh.mm.ss"), an error occured, when trying to replay a recorded protocol. Release 3.6.2 - 05.05.2010 - Bugfix: Some smaller bugs in respect to the new checksum-analysis fixed Release 3.6.0 - 27.04.2010 - Improvement: Extensive support for a checksum-analysis added. Checksum-errors and especially missing checksums will be reported in details. Release 3.5.3 - 26.03.2010 - Bugfix: Change of language was not saved in any case, when the program restarts after changing. Release 3.5.1 - 24.02.2010 - Improvement: New character "X" for the IBIS dataset definition. "X" represents a standard hex- figure, instead of the "H", which represents an IBIS-hex-figure. - Improvement: The detail info-panel is now for each telegram available - Improvement: The WBMonitor-software now automatically saves a recording protocol. If the software or the PC crashes during recording, the auto-saved file will be loaded automatically on the next program start. Release 3.4.6 - 26.01.2010 - Bugfix: In the english version the date format becomes translated from ddmmyy to mmddyy. This is correct, but the "d"-telegram (ds006) was translated, too, which is not correct. Release 3.4.5 - 19.01.2010 - Improvement: The user can choose to get a acustic signal, if choosen telegrams arrive. Release 3.4.4 - 09.09.2009 - Bugfix: Under some rare conditions the IWT reports a bus overload, even if the IWT was in slave- mode. Because this is not possible, the WBMonitor program now ignores this messages. Release 3.4.3 - 02.09.2009 - Bugfix: If a telegram definition contains a loop and the loop-counter in the real telegram was zero, the loop was executed infinitely. Example: Pattern: aL,@1H,2H=$1,$1(1C) Telegram: aL9001234 Separated in parts: aL 9 (address) 00 (How much 1C-blocks follows? = 0) 1234 (data) The program will show this telegram as valid, even if it isn't. - Bugfix: If a telegram contains a "<"-character the telegram was send incorrectly (The "<"-character was stripped) Release - 15.06.2009 - Improvment: "Save As..." menu is now for every open protocol available. Release 3.4.1 - 07.06.2009 - Improvment: New option "Reload response list, if connection breaks down". If there is a response list loaded at the moment a connection to the IWT breaks down and this option is activated, then the response list will be automatically re-activated, when the connections becomes re-established. - Improvement: If all mode- and toolbars are hidden, a active response- or request- list will be now shown in the statusbar. Release 3.4.0 - 27.02.2009 - Improvment: WBMonitor is no completely available in English. - Improvment: New filter feature "Never filter erroneous telegrams" added. With this option set, faulty telegrams will not be filtered, even if they do not match the filter criterias. - Improvment: Option to hide toolbar and mode area added. (Menu VIEW - SHOW OR HIDE) This feature enables you to have more space available for protocols etc. Release 3.3.0 - 10.12.2008 - Improvment: To make WBMonitor VISTA-compatible, the files "IBIS.CSV" and "IBIS_FRAME.CSV" move to the user-application directory - Bugfix: If IWT is in master mode and sends a master telegram and during this trans- mission a line error occures, the WBMonitor software hung in a deadlock situation. Release 3.2.1 - 07.08.2008 - Improvment: First release for the IWT-2000 with USB interface. Release 3.1.4 - 04.04.2008 - Bugfix: In some cases the "best match" algorithm created unexpected results, when trying to recognize an erroneous telegrams. E.g. you would expect a "hV1234567"-telegram to be recognized as probably telegram nr. 1301 (hV,6C) but it was identified as probably DS134 (h,12C) Release 3.1.3 - 21.02.2008 - Improvment: Drag and Drop-support added. You may now drag protocolls, answer- or calling-lists directly from the explorer on the application. Release 3.1.2 - 20.02.2008 - Improvment: It is no possible to send only one selected line out of a recorded protocol. Release 3.1.1 - 07.02.2008 - Bugfix: An error in the evaluation of telegram-pattern causes pattern, which contains the "*"-token to be displayed one character to short. E.g. "nH123456", which is a valid dataset 008a, because it matches the pattern "nH,*3H", was display as "nH12345" - Bugfix: If in a mismatching telegram already the header was mismatching, the telegram was erroneously displayed with the corrected header instead. E.g: Telegram "fSA" is no VDV-300 telegram and matches best with dataset 0571 ("fC") In this case even the header mismatches and this telegram was displayed as "fCSA" instead of "fSA" Release 3.1.0 - 29.11.2007 - Improvement: Due to customer's wish, it is now possible to insert special characters (, 0x01 ... 0x09) in a master- or slave-simulation. Release 3.0.1 - 01.10.2007 - Bugfix: Last line in monitorwindows wasn't always visible in autoscroll mode, if a filter was set. - Improvement: Two additional non-VDV300 compliant telegrams added