Pas­sen­ger coun­ting Oberösterreich

The OÖVG is a trans­port asso­cia­ti­on that covers a lar­ge part of the ter­ri­to­ry of Upper Aus­tria with public trans­port ser­vices. Appro­xi­m­ate­ly 180 mil­li­on pas­sen­gers use the public trans­port ser­vices every year. 19 com­pa­nies belong to the asso­cia­ti­on.
In June, MG was award­ed the con­tract to sup­p­ly approx. 150 pas­sen­ger coun­ting sys­tems (AFGZ).
In the first expan­si­on pha­se, 90 vehic­les are to be equip­ped by the end of the year.

MG Industrieelektronik GmbH