MG Indus­trie­elek­tro­nik innovative part­ner in public transport

About us

We have been suc­cessful­ly plan­ning, deve­lo­ping and mar­ke­ting infor­ma­ti­on sys­tems for public trans­port for over 40 years.
We offer sys­tem solu­ti­ons for pas­sen­ger infor­ma­ti­on (info­tain­ment), pas­sen­ger coun­ting, radio data trans­mis­si­on and traf­fic light control.

The pro­duct ran­ge includes dis­plays, on-board com­pu­ters, swit­ches and radio com­pon­ents, all of which are deve­lo­ped and manu­fac­tu­red in Ger­ma­ny.
The pro­duct ran­ge is roun­ded off by a com­ple­te ser­vice profile.

We would be hap­py to advi­se you on con­cep­tu­al design, and sup­port you in sys­tem plan­ning and integration.

Our Pro­duct Families


Pas­sen­ger information

On the dis­plays, the pas­sen­gers are infor­med about the cur­rent cour­se of the rou­te as well as trans­fer ins­truc­tions and ope­ra­tio­nal events. It is also pos­si­ble to play other infor­ma­ti­on such as news, wea­ther, sights, event infor­ma­ti­on and adver­ti­sing.
The Info­Vi­si­on fami­ly is spe­ci­al­ly adapt­ed to the requi­re­ments of public trans­port vehic­les. The TFT flat screens with full HD reso­lu­ti­on ensu­re bril­li­ant colours and pin-sharp images.

MG Fahrgastzählung

Pas­sen­ger counting

Pas­sen­ger coun­ting is an important tool for the ope­ra­tor to mana­ge the com­ple­te ope­ra­ti­on. The coun­ting data is recor­ded by sen­sors abo­ve the doors, which detect pas­sen­gers who are get­ting on or off. The sen­sors work with ste­reo came­ra prin­ci­ple or infrared tech­no­lo­gy. The B2connect or the vehic­le com­pu­ter coll­ects and pro­ces­ses the recor­ded data and sends it to the back office.

MG Lichtsignalbeeinflussung

Traf­fic light signal control

Influen­cing traf­fic light signal sys­tems (LSA) not only increa­ses the attrac­ti­ve­ness of public trans­port through shorter tra­vel times, but also increa­ses effi­ci­en­cy and economy.

The traf­fic light sys­tem is equip­ped with a radio recei­ver and a radio recep­ti­on and eva­lua­ti­on unit (FEA). If the radio signals of the public trans­port vehic­le are recei­ved, prio­ri­ty is given to it.



The “B2stream” is a stan­da­lo­ne strea­ming enco­der that out­puts a video input signal as a video stream over Ethernet.…

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MG Industrieelektronik GmbH