We will be happy to advise you in advance so that you receive a technically and economically optimal solution for your application. We attach great importance in protecting investments that have already been made.

We plan for you or support you in planning your individual solution. Of course, we take into account the interoperability with other systems as well as future upgrade options.

Our installation team installs the supplied components on site.
If desired, our customers can carry out the assembly themselves under the guidance of our specialists.

Our hardware and software specialists put your system into operation. Through the participation of the customer’s specialist staff, on-the-job training and thus a product-specific know-how transfer is possible.

We offer our customers individual and practical training modules. Of course, we respond to the different levels of knowledge of the participants. We also offer remote training via digital media.

Our hotline is available for quick troubleshooting. By means of remote maintenance, it is possible for our technicians to log directly into the system installed on site and identify and rectify the cause of the fault or incorrect measurements.

- Nobelstraße 7, 76275 Ettlingen, Germany
- +49 (0) 7243 5801 – 0
- +49 (0) 7243 5801 – 20
- info@mg-industrieelektronik.de
- www.mg-industrieelektronik.de