Pas­sen­ger coun­ting Zweck­ver­band Mobi­li­tät Ruhr-Lip­­pe (ZRL) and Nah­ver­kehrs­ver­bund Pader­born Höx­ter (nph)

At the end of 2022, MG has won the ten­der to equip 372 buses with auto­ma­tic pas­sen­ger coun­ting sys­tems (AFZS).
The scope of sup­p­ly includes the com­ple­te hard­ware con­sis­ting of the coun­ting sen­sors as well as the data coll­ec­tor (B2connect) for pro­ces­sing and dis­po­sal of the coun­ting data.
The trans­fer of the data is done with the MG soft­ware packa­ge MG-Trans­fer­sys­tem, which is hos­ted by MG. In this way, each ope­ra­tor (cli­ent) recei­ves the data rele­vant to him for fur­ther eva­lua­ti­on.
70 buses have alre­a­dy been equip­ped and star­ted ope­ra­ti­on at the end of the 2023 sum­mer vaca­ti­ons. Ano­ther 30 vehic­les will be added during the fall vaca­ti­ons.
By the end of the year, the­re will then be around 200 vehic­les equip­ped with MG technology.

MG Industrieelektronik GmbH