Elek­tro­ni­ker (m/w/d)

Elek­tro­ni­ker (m/w/d)Zum nächst­mög­li­chen Zeitpunkt Das sind Wir MG Indus­trie­elek­tro­nik ist ein inno­va­ti­ves, mit­tel­stän­di­ges Unter­neh­men mit Sitz in Ett­lin­gen. Wir beschäf­ti­gen im Augen­blick ca. 40 Mit­ar­bei­ter /-innen. MG plant und...
CTM – Cashl­ess Ticke­ting Machine

CTM – Cashl­ess Ticke­ting Machine

CTM – Cashl­ess Ticke­ting Machine Pay cont­act­less with EC or cre­dit card, smartphone Prin­ta­ble ticket Mobi­le and sta­tio­na­ry use Ergo­no­mic to use Easy-to-read lar­ge screen Van­dal-pro­of housing Data con­nec­tion via WLAN or mobi­le...
RS232-IBIS-Con­ver­ter (Mas­ter)

RS232-IBIS-Con­ver­ter (Mas­ter)

RS232-IBIS-Con­­ver­­­ter (Mas­ter) Snap-in moun­ting for top-hat rail TS35 No con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on required Exten­ded tem­pe­ra­tu­re range Gal­va­nic iso­la­ti­on of the PC inter­face from the car bus back Data sheet EN Ser­vice EImprint EPri­va­te...
RS232-IBIS-Con­ver­ter (Slave)

RS232-IBIS-Con­ver­ter (Slave)

RS232-IBIS-Con­­ver­­­ter (Slave) Enables the ope­ra­ti­on of a seri­al inter­face as an IBIS peri­phe­ral device Gal­va­nic isolation No sup­p­ly vol­ta­ge required back Data sheet EN Ser­vice EImprint EPri­va­te Policy ESearch EGene­ral Terms and Conditions...